The county is informing citizens and contractors of a global data breach that may have compromised some people’s personal information.
Hillsborough County was notified of the incident on June 1 by MoveIT, a HIPAA-compliant file transfer service provider. The county promptly contacted the company for more information and collaborated with the vendor to develop new security patches.
Later that month, cyber security personnel discovered that Hillsborough County information may have been compromised.
Healthcare Services and Aging Services files containing first and last names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, home locations, disability codes, and medical conditions and diagnoses may have been compromised.
Despite the fact that the county files were not particularly targeted, they were affected as a MoveIT customer.
The number of citizens and suppliers whose information was exposed is unknown, but the county contacted 70,636 people.
Hillsborough Healthcare Services and Aging Services is in charge of medical service delivery and administration, including managed-care arrangements for residents who do not qualify for healthcare coverage.
If you are told of a data breach, the county advises you to call the toll-free numbers listed below to place a fraud alert on your credit report, which will prevent fraudsters from creating new accounts in your name.
- Equifax: 1-866-640-2273
- Experian: 1-88-397-3742
- TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
You can also carefully examine your credit record for symptoms of fraud and continue to watch your credit reports.
The county says that even if a fraud alert has been placed on your account, you should continue to monitor your credit reports to ensure that an imposter has not opened an account with your personal information.
Anyone with further questions may reach the County at 1-833-963-4357 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The toll-free number will open at 8 a.m. Monday, July 17.