Tampa prod studio creates IMAX-sized solar system to help middle schoolers

VU Tampa Bay, a cutting-edge virtual production facility in Tampa’s University Mall, has assisted Jack Daniels, John Deere, and Mercedes.

A recent innovation, though, revealing the entire solar system on a 100-foot LED screen in magnificent Star Wars form, was for a completely different customer.

“We love a challenge,” said Daniel Mallek, one of the innovative wizards at VU. “We use all the same technology that’s found in virtual reality goggles, but we scale it up to the size of an IMAX screen.”

VU was tasked with the planetary dazzle by Scholar Education, a local educational technology startup that piloted a Space Camp program for students at Dayspring.

“There are so many technology advancements and entertainment at home, but it’s not really being done in the classroom,” said Scholar Education’s Marlee Strawn.

They also said that they needed a wow factor, an informative but spellbinding video that matched what kids were gawking at in the movies and on TV.

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